Girls Chat Line Guidelines

Both Girls Chat Line Free Trial And Paid Members must strictly adhere to following our Usage Guidelines. Failure to do so may result to permanently being banned from using Girls Chat Line.

  1. Members must be 18 years old, or older.
  2. Members must choose their correct gender.
  3. Recordings must ONLY be in English. Furthermore, they should be audible and should not be in music or in silent mode.
  4. Members are prohibited to use Girls Chat Line to infringe any of the following: privacy rights, property rights, or any rights of an individual.
  5. Members are prohibited to use Girls Chat Line in any solicitation or illegal activities.
  6. Members are prohibited to use Girls Chat Line in terms of engaging in any kind of harassment or offensive behaviour, including (but not limited to) slanderous, abusive, or defamatory statements and even racist, obscene or offensive languages.
  7. Members are prohibited to include any contact information in their greetings like telephone numbers, postal addresses, or websites, and so on.
  8. Members are prohibited to use Girls Chat Line in promoting any solicitation for funds, ads, or for any kind of goods and services.

Should you have any further questions or clarification on the above guidelines, you may contact Customer Service by email. Please do not forget to include your phone number within your email for us to serve you better.